Toddler 1 Program
Our Toddler 1 program is for children between the ages of 10-20 months. The children are becoming more mobile (crawling, taking steps or walking), eating table food and drinking from a sippy cup. The Toddlers 1 program’s most urgent focus is on language development and communication. By increasing their spoken vocabulary, as well as their gesture bank, the children are generally less frustrated and can signal distress (sharing toys, space, etc.) to their teachers more readily. For the first time children in this class are exposed to a circle time, group music and movement, early learning centers, class-wide feeding (snacks and lunch) as well as class-wide naptime (once per day).
Toddler 2 Program
The Toddler 2 program is for children between the ages of 20-30 months. In this class there is a continued emphasis on language. However, children of this age have generally acquired a vocabulary of between 30-300 words. The learning centers in this classroom become increasingly defined and children begin to navigate them with greater independence. Socially the children of the Toddler 2 program are still engaging in a great deal of parallel play (play that isn’t dependent on another child and doesn’t involve another child directly). As they approach their 3rd birthday many children move to a more cooperative style of play. The toddler 2 program prepares them for this transition by modeling successful peer interactions and designing an environment with little need for competition over space or materials.